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#1 2009-05-07 10:14:24

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

About White Storks in English: papers and websites

What you can read about White Storks in papers and websites



#2 2009-05-08 22:53:56

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

In English part of Hellenic Wildlife Hospital website (EKPAZ) (http://www.ekpazp.gr/multi158/ ) - you can read some short articles about different White Storks.
The authors are Stavros Kalpakis and Eva Stets.
It is not about Polish storks but I think you will find it interesting, because stories like these can happen anywhere.

1 - http://www.ekpazp.gr/multi158/index.php … =2&lang=en

2 - http://www.ekpazp.gr/multi158/index.php … =2&lang=en

3 - http://www.ekpazp.gr/multi158/index.php … =2&lang=en

4 - http://www.ekpazp.gr/multi158/index.php … =2&lang=en

Best regards
Eva Stets
PwG OTOP, HOS-Hellas



#3 2009-05-09 09:10:41



Skąd: Germany
Zarejestrowany: 2009-04-09
Posty: 14

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

In Germany we have observed that many storks have been missing this year. Possibly, in Poland the situation is similar.

Yesterday a friend sent me a cutting from a Schweriner newspaper. Maybe it is interesting for one or other to read:


Following I've tried to translate:

Where did the stroks stay?
Lots of nest are empty.

Many stork nests have remained empty this year. The cause is still unclear, said (stork adviser) Zöllick in Schwerin. In the area of Demmin 100 storks have barely arrived up to now, ten years ago these were even more than 140.
Also in other parts of the country less storks as usual have returned from the wintering grounds, said Zöllick. "Last year we had already young storks at the beginning of May".
Even if yet storks would arrive from Africa, it will be too late for offspring. The incubating amounts 32 days and for the breeding seven to eight weeks are required.

"The reasons for such a disturbance are varied", according to Zöllick, the good weather in April didn't help, because on their route in Turkey and in Greece very bad weather.
Also it's unclear how the way from the wintering grounds ran how the general weather situation and food offer were in the south and whether there have been poison actions for instance against grasshoppers.

Last Year - so said Zöllick - in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern there have been 863 breeding pairs with 1700 youngsters that have fledged. In the record year of 2004 there have even been 1150 pairs and 2500 youngster. In 2005 there has been a break to 850 pais and 1150 hatchlings. " With this low level there has remained ", he said. A problem is the lack of food. There would barely be fallow land, the lands are worked on with more and more technology.

However, Zöllick would not like to close a general decline of the population from it all. With the latest international counting in 2004 was a clear increase of a total of 230,000 breeding pairs been registered.



#4 2009-05-14 14:34:57



Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2008-07-30
Posty: 32

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Hello everyone,
Hi Su,

first of all I have to say that I'm not a stork expert. Nevertheless I can confirm your observation - in the eastern and north-eastern part of Poland I have seen many stork nests without the inhabitants...
Mr Zöllick knows what he says and probably he is right; there's nothing to add.
But... life goes on and not everything is lost. I do hope.

Best greetings,

P.S. now I'm watching (Internet) the stork nest in Ustroñ in Poland and a new generation of these gorgeous birds is hatching. What a sight!

Ostatnio edytowany przez plastyka (2009-05-18 11:08:02)



#5 2009-05-16 13:18:24



Skąd: Germany
Zarejestrowany: 2009-04-09
Posty: 14

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Hello plastyka, hello to all,

Due to the fact that there are barely storks in our area and thus I can only say what I know from webcams, indeed  I am not the right one for such a discussion.
But I think, there are always times in which there are lots of offspring, and others in which there are less.
Not only with storks but also with other animal species.

I suppose the animals feel themselves, when the time is good for reproduction and then they decide, whether they build a nest or not. A single year will not be stating for the future and it certainly better years will come.

Now as a start I wish of all the best for our young family in Przygodzice.



#6 2009-05-20 10:04:47

Pawe³ T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Thanks to a kindly permission (thanks a lot!) of the editors of the only one English-language monograph of the White Stork in Poland “The White Stork in Poland: studies in biology, ecology and conservation” - professors Piotr Tryjanowski, Tim H. Sparks and Leszek Jerzak, permission of Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe (Bogucki Scientific Editions, http://www.bogucki.com.pl) and our co-authors - we have a possibility and pleasure to make accessible for visitors of our website a few articles from this very interesting book, about studies done in South Wielkopolska region and by the members of South Wielkopolska Group of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds mainly.

One of these articles (Dolata 2006b) we propose to read as a first, because it can be helpful for the foreign people to understand the special position of the White Stork in Polish tradition, culture, researches and protection efforts.

In the next (Dolata 2006a) You can find information and first year results of this on-line monitoring project of this species nest in Przygodzice village, called “Close to Storks”, which website you are visiting now – it can be a good background for observations of this nest.

From the another reason we want to recommend an article of Antczak & Dolata (2006) - according to our knowledge it is first paper in the European White Stork bibliography especially focused on the non-breeding fraction.

The fourth article (Kosicki et al. 2006) is a review of knowledge (surprisingly very weak) about White Stork’s food in Poland, including own new data, partly from South Wielkopolska region, and interesting part about energy demand of storks.

Fifth article (Or³owski et al. 2006) is first in the Central Europe about heavy metal concentrations in feathers of White Storks, with some methodological implications. The last but not least, sixth article (Rachel 2006) describing foraging sites of breeding White Storks in our region.

We have a hope that all of them will be interesting for the readers.
List of the accessible articles:  http://www.pwg.otop.org.pl/eng1.php
best regards

Pawe³ T. Dolata
leader of South Wielkopolska Group of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (PwG OTOP)
coordinator of „Close to Storks” PwG OTOP project



#7 2010-07-22 10:49:44

Pawe³ T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Good news from Wim Van den Bossche about White Storks success in Belgium in 2010:

“We had afterall a good White Stork season, 85 pairs raising 110 young.
Not brilliant compared to good stork habitat, but a record for our country. Unfortunatly the birds breeding outside the colonies had the worst season since 2001.
In 2009 there were 77 pairs and 93 young raised.

Wim Van den Bossche

Diensthoofd Communicatie Natuurpunt
Internationale relaties Natuurpunt, contact BirdLife Belgium
Natuurpunt, Coxiestraat 11, 2800 Mechelen, Be
wim.vandenbossche@natuurpunt.be - http://www.natuurpunt.be



#8 2010-08-25 18:15:06

 Marcin Tobó³ka


Zarejestrowany: 2008-07-15
Posty: 39

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Herein I present summary of my article about White Stork declining in Leszno Region (Western Poland).

To get full article please write e-mail: marcin_tobolka@o2.pl

Ku¼niak S., Tobó³ka M. Decline of the white stork Ciconia ciconia in the Leszno District and the program for its protection. Chroñmy Przyr. Ojcz. 66 (2): 97–106, 2010

This work concerns the census of white stork nests in the former province of Leszno (4154 km²) in 1995–1997 and 2007–2009. The aim of this paper is to present changes in the abundance and distribution of the population under study and make comparison with long-term data. We collected data on the occurrence of storks, breeding results, nest location and changes in these parameters, as well as data on non-breeding flocks in the study area during the breeding season. The number of breeding pairs (HPa) varied from 361 in 1996 to 218 in 2009 (Table 1). In 2009 more nests were built on pylons (148; 68.3%) than tall chimneys (43; 19.8%), buildings (13; 6.0%), or trees (10; 4.6%) and others (4; 1,3%). In 1995–1997 and 2007–2009 white storks raised 3504 young (JZG). The average number of young raised by a successful breeding pair (JZm) for the entire study period was 2.65, and in terms of all breeding pairs (JZa) was 2.16. In 1995–1997 the value of JZm was 1.95 and JZa – 2.,
in 2007–2009 – 2.16 and 2.79 respectively. The differences between periods (in JZa) were statistically significant (Mann-Whitney U Test: Z = –7.231, p < 0.0001). In 1995–1997 the percentage of pairs failing to raise young averaged 23.5%, and in the years 2007–2009 – 12.5%. For details see Table 2.
In comparison to long-term data the study population appears to have a strongly decreasing trend (Ku¼niak 1995, Kosicki 2008). To prevent this process the White Stork Conservation Program in the Leszno Region was established. In our opinion, priority should be given to minimize risks to the population. These are: the reduction of suitable habitats, poor drainage watercourses, rubbish left in the field and collected by the birds as nesting material (plastic strings, foil etc.), predation risk, poor or dangerous locations of nests.

Marcin Tobó³ka

Marcin Tobó³ka

Zak³ad Zoologii, Instytut Zoologii Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu, http://zoologia.up.poznan.pl/pl/mgr-mar … B3%C5%82ka
Leszczyñska Grupa OTOP, www.otop-leszno.eko.org.pl



#9 2010-09-28 18:12:40



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 2007-06-26
Posty: 1901

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

A pair of beautiful and healthy White Storks, named Hansi and Lisa, who have been unlucky to nest near the military and civil airport in Zeltweg (Austria), is threatened by shooting!

We strongly object to allowing the option of killing these protected in Europe birds. So efficient and rich in taxpayers' money institution, as the Austrian Air Force, could possibly organize a safe catch! Killing of these birds would be a very dangerous precedent!

On behalf of the Co-ordinator of our "Close to Storks" Project, Pawel T. Dolata, and all members of our forum, I encourage to sign the petition against killing Hansi and Lisa:


Please, complete the Petition as follows:

- title: Mr / Mrs, or degree,
- first name,
- surname,
- e-mail address,
- city,
- and then, under the heading “Staat / Country”, select “Andere”, and then type in the “Comment” the name of your country .


On the page http://www.tierschutz-murtal.at , dedicated to the Storks’ protection, you can learn a little more about this shocking case. Unfortunately, the situation is very serious. It turns out that the idea of extermination of the pair of storks - Hansi and Lisa, is not the sole merit of the Austrian Air Force. What is strange and surprising, this idea is supported by all authorities, institutions, politicians and even ... project manager 'Weißstorch" (" White Stork ") in Styria! It is even stranger that despite heavy use of the airport by both, military and civil aviation, there has been no threats from storks, so far. Well, the idea to remove the storks from the area of the airport is probably due to scheduled for July 2011, a great air show 'AirPower11', which will be held just in Zeltweg! A giant party involving hundreds of planes and, of course, big business and prestige for the region. But why, as always, at the expense of nature?

The campaign against extermination of the pair of Storks from Zeltweg is gaining a greater range, it is supported and the petition is signed by storks lovers from around the world. At the same time, many people declare that they delete Austria of their holiday plans, thus giving expression to their indignation. Maybe this is some way to exert pressure on the authorities? Let's hope that all the efforts will bring the result desired by us, and, at last, Hansi an Lisa will be left in peace.



#10 2010-09-28 18:36:30

Pawe³ T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites


Many thanks for Damka Pik as such detailed information here and for everybody who signed or will sign the petition.

Here is “hot” e-mail from Monika Tielitz from Aktiver Tierschutz Murtal (http://www.tierschutz-murtal.at), which is leader of protection campaign of  Hansie and Lisa storks, with a fresh info about the situation.


“Hello Pawel,

Thank you very much for your support from Poland. It’s nice to see, that so many people are concerned about the storks here in Zeltweg.

Recently, I have sent a request to the Defense Department of Austria, to stop the planned animal abuse. I’m still waiting for a reply.

When I receive an answer, I will let you know.

I’m wondering why BirdLife Austria hasn’t  answered my request for support yet, do you have any connections?

I will include your letter at the next possible post.

Would you publish a thankyou from me in the forum?

With kind regards,

Monika Tielitz”


best regards
Pawe³ T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) http://www.pwg.otop.org.pl
http://www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#11 2010-10-04 06:49:39



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Thanks to everyone who is signing the petition, we hope ver much, that the Hansi and Lisa can stay where they choosed years ago, - in Zeltweg. Please look at them via youtube:

Let us live – Lisa and Hansi – Apel  Petition



#12 2010-10-04 23:31:38

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

MCH napisał:

...are there any news yet about what is happening?

From my side - the last news from Monika Tielitz is this e-mail. I don't know if somebody has anything new?

3th October 2010:

Hallo Eva,
I’m very thankful for your support. At the moment about 1700 people have signed the petition, but since the military is a very powerful opponent, we continue collecting.
The military in Austria has an approval to shot every animal, which hinder the air traffic. There is no close season, animals like herons, crows, raptorial birds, etc... can be shot at any time, including protected storks.
The military is in contact with other airports and knows about various defense measures. At this point, they haven’t tried any, maybe because they don’t need them for the daily business.
At the moment, the military keeps covered, so I don’t know anything about the plans. I received a standard answer from the defense department, which says that the responsible persons process my request and inform me as soon as possible.
I plead you to continue your support, so we can collect more signatures at the petition.
Greetings from Zeltweg
Monika Tielitz

Eva Stets
Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS)



#13 2010-10-12 17:04:05



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

On the HP from BirgitK Iberia-Natur you can find a wonderful photo report from Birgits experience with the Migration of White Storks at the Strait of Gibraltar

Ostatnio edytowany przez Brit (2010-10-13 05:02:39)



#14 2010-10-13 13:03:57



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

There is a nice video from the NABU about how a White Stork was equipped with a satellite transmitter. Unfortunately only in German language, but maybe from the pictures you can understand the story. Please just click on the picture:

NABU - 17.08.2010 - Besenderung von Weißstörchin Anni



#15 2010-10-21 09:45:50

Pawe³ T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites


Here is yesterday‘s e-mail from Monika Tielitz with good news about action of protection of this pair of White Storks in Zeltweg in Austria:


“Hello Pawel,

the press spokesman of the military, lieutenant-colonel Schweiger, visited me at my home. He is willing to find an appropriate solution.

He promised that he will talk to authorities of other airports, to inform himself about different defensive measures against the birds.

He will get back to me later.

The military fears that a new stork couple will settle down in Zeltweg, if they remove Hansi and Lisa.

It was a good move to start the petition and publish the planned removal. Up to now, I've collected over 2600 signs, what can't be ignored anymore.

I'm satisfied with the results and now waiting for their turn.

I'm very glad that you all support me so great, thank you.

With best regards,



best regards
Pawe³ T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) http://www.pwg.otop.org.pl
http://www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice

Pawe³ T. Dolata napisał:


Many thanks for Damka Pik as such detailed information here and for everybody who signed or will sign the petition.

Here is “hot” e-mail from Monika Tielitz from Aktiver Tierschutz Murtal (http://www.tierschutz-murtal.at), which is leader of protection campaign of  Hansie and Lisa storks, with a fresh info about the situation.


“Hello Pawel,

Thank you very much for your support from Poland. It’s nice to see, that so many people are concerned about the storks here in Zeltweg.

Recently, I have sent a request to the Defense Department of Austria, to stop the planned animal abuse. I’m still waiting for a reply.

When I receive an answer, I will let you know.

I’m wondering why BirdLife Austria hasn’t  answered my request for support yet, do you have any connections?

I will include your letter at the next possible post.

Would you publish a thankyou from me in the forum?

With kind regards,

Monika Tielitz”


best regards
Pawe³ T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) http://www.pwg.otop.org.pl
http://www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#16 2010-11-03 17:00:27



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Today I got the EuroNature Newsletter and there is a very interesting article about White Storks in the Polish village Pentowo where this season on a farm 31 Stork pairs were breeding and 64 chicks hatched. Conditions as in a paradise for Storks: numerous nest constructions with a wonderful biotope around. Congratulation and hopefully it stays like that in Poland and the EU finally learns to respect nature and creatures! Here is the article – unfortunately in German language …:

Rekord in polnischem Storchendorf
Ein Bauernhof mit 126 Störchen – diese Attraktion gab es in diesem Sommer im Nordosten Polens zu sehen. In Pentowo, einem Weiler am Rande der Überschwemmungsflächen des Flusses Narew, beherbergt ein einziger Hof diese beeindruckend große Weißstorchkolonie. Nicht umsonst hat EuroNatur Pentowo im Jahr 2001 als „Europäisches Storchendorf“ ausgezeichnet. Doch so viele Störche wie in diesem Jahr lebten auf dem Bauernhof noch nie: Insgesamt brüteten dort 31 Storchenpaare und 64 Jungstörche sind geschlüpft. Kein Wunder, denn Meister Adebar findet hier paradiesische Bedingungen vor: Neben zahlreichen Nisthilfen ist auch für ein üppiges Nahrungsangebot aus Fröschen und Kleintieren gesorgt, denn die Flächen im Umfeld des Hofes werden naturverträglich genutzt. Damit bildet Pentowo einen vorbildlichen Gegenpol zu der negativen Entwicklung, die europaweit um sich greift: Auf vielen Flächen werden die Wiesen meist zu oft im Jahr gemäht. Dabei verwenden die Bauern Hochleistungsmaschinen, die Fröschen, Eidechsen und Mäusen den Garaus machen und damit auch dem Storch die Lebensgrundlage entziehen.



#17 2010-11-04 16:28:06

Pawe³ T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites


Full and fresh review of all 20 projects of White Stork Ciconia ciconia colour ringing in Europe, summarized by Belgian ornithologist Dirk Raes under auspicia of EURING union, you can find on www.cr-birding.be - you must choose Ciconiidae Storks in the first, big table, and then White Stork of course.

best regards
Pawe³ T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#18 2010-11-15 23:03:55

Pawe³ T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites


Here is an original English abstract from my article about White Stork ringing in Ostrów Wielkopolski district (W Poland), published in the Czech Republic and in Czech language as a part of proceedings of the same, last month (22-24 October 2010) international conference, organised by the East-Czech Branch of Czech Ornithological Society (VÈP ÈSO):

Dolata P.T. 2010. Výsledky krou¾kování èápù bílých Ciconia ciconia v okrese Ostrów Wielkopolski (západní Polsko) v letech 1994-2010. (Results of White Stork (/i] Ciconia ciconia[/i]) ringing in Ostrów Wielkopolski district (W Poland) in 1994-2010). In: Vránová S. (ed.). Metody a výsledky výzkumu ptaèích populací V. Sborník abstraktù z celostátní ornitologické konference k 35. výroèí zalo¾ení Východoèeské poboèky Èeské spoleènosti ornitologické 22.-24.10.2010. VÈP ÈSO, Pardubice: 13-14.

Results of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) ringing in Ostrów in Ostrów Wielkopolski district (W Poland) in 1994-2010

Abstract – oral presentations
     2699 White Stork nestlings were marked in 1994-2010, using 2020 metal rings (20 or 29 mm high) on tarsus till 2007, and 679 ELSA rings on tibia in 2002 and since 2008. Foreign recoveries were received from: Germany (3), Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (2), Libya, Sudan, Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa (4), max. 9486 km away. Except of 2 ring resightings from Germany and one from South Africa, all these birds were found dead, shot, injured or exhausted.
     Data about settling of adult own birds were obtain from W Poland only, by the own resightings in Ostrów Wielkopolski district mainly. In this district a few nesting (HPa) and nonbreeding (WiSt) storks were resighted from different parts of western Poland, 3 nesting and 3 nonbreeders from east Germany, and one female ringed as nestling in 1989 on Moravia was resighted on the nest in 3 seasons in two villages.”

best regards
Pawe³ T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#19 2011-05-27 15:59:34



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

From BirdLife Malta:

White Storks hunted down
Thursday, 19 May 2011

This White Stork with serious gunshot injuries was recovered by BirdLife Malta late last night from Zurrieq. Photo by Nadja Tschovikov

The largest flock of White Storks (Cikonji Bojod) ever recorded in Malta shot at from several different locations yesterday and early this morning, as the rare birds sought overnight shelter in Malta.

At least six storks were seen shot down, while another injured stork was recovered but had to be euthanized by a vet. Yet another two injured storks were recorded in flight with dangling legs and missing feathers. A shot Glossy Ibis (Velleran), another rare migratory bird for Malta, was also received by BirdLife yesterday afternoon from Zabbar.

Late yesterday afternoon around 200 White Storks arrived in Malta. The BirdLife Malta office immediately informed the police and mobilised its field teams to monitor the birds and ensure their safety.
A hunter was reportedly apprehended by the ALE after shooting one of the Storks in Madliena, and another was apprehended by the ALE in Zurrieq with two dead storks.

The flock eventually flew towards the Luqa airport area and two groups roosted at Ta' Kandja and Zurrieq. BirdLife Malta teams, the ALE and two MEPA environment officers watched over the birds until they roosted in the evening. BirdLife Malta, joined by 9 local volunteers, maintained a watch through the night on the two known roost sites at Ta’ Kandja and Zurrieq.

During the night watch both teams heard distant shots coming from other areas.

A member of the public reported an injured stork in his field in Zurrieq. The protected bird was recovered by BirdLife and taken to an independent vet. However it had to be euthanized due to substantial gunshot injuries, including an open fracture to wing and a fractured leg.


Early this morning, BirdLife volunteers recorded several shots on the birds that left their roosts and at least one other Stork was shot down. The team also filmed another Stork with a dangling leg, consistent with typical gunshot injuries.
“The sighting of White Storks is a reason for joy in many countries around Europe as they are one of the most majestic species that represent the phenomenon of bird migration. Yet, in Malta their appearance causes enforcement officials and bird watchers to rush to their vehicles to protect them from the brutal hunting we witnessed over the last 24 hours.” said Nicholas Barbara, BirdLife Malta conservation and policy officer.

“Despite the efforts of our teams, the police, and MEPA’s environment officers at least seven storks were killed. Some of the birds are still flying over Malta and if they do not continue with their journey but decide to spend another night, we fear that more might be slaughtered.” continued Barbara.

BirdLife Malta calls on the Office of the Prime Minister to significantly increase minimum penalties for illegal hunting, and permanently revoke licenses for all serious hunting and trapping contraventions, as this scenario repeats itself in the Maltese islands every single migration season.

First I didn't believe it, because the time of the year doesn't fit to migration and which stork is flying over the sea? And 200 storks in one time .... So I contacted CABS (Commettee against bird slaughter) and asked. It's true and they think the same I do, that those were young storks just flying around. And maybe it was the wind ... bad luck for the ones who got shot or injured.

What can be done to help from the distance?

BirdLife and CABS (Committee against Bird Slaughter) advised to write e-mails to the Prime Minister: Lawrence Gonzi (https://opm.gov.mt/). info.primeminister@gov.mt or customercare.opm@gov.mt best both! And ask him to:

forbid hunting in spring time,
built up environment police force, build up of a special wildlife-crime-unit which not only works during migration,
higher penalties for poachers, special for the repeated offenders
hunting ban at well known Birds resting places, for example the "Mizieb" wood

and also please write to:
Mr Janez Potocnik (Commissioner for the Environment of the European Commission). It would be great if people concerned about the killing could write to him, urging the European Commission to take action to stop these illegalities, which occur every time rare birds come to Malta.

And please: SPREAD THE WORD, that as many people as possible react and write letters to the people  responsible



#20 2011-09-19 16:21:09

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Free archive of ornithological journal Ornis Fennica, including also the publications on the White Stork

The website http://ornisfennica.org/ allows free download of valuable articles published in the journal Ornis Fennica in the years 1924-2010.

Clicking on the word "Search" (left side) the form appears: http://ornisfennica.org/search.htm - in which at least one keyword should be entered, for example, next to the heading "Title Words", a species of bird we are interested in. Typing the name "Ciconia ciconia" or "White Stork" the available articles on these birds will appear. Then, by clicking on the letters "PDF" (next to the title) we can read and/or download the selected article.


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