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#1 2009-04-11 18:25:59

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

Where are you watching our storks from?

If you'd like to tell us where you're watching our storks from, you can do it in this thread.



#2 2009-04-11 20:43:09



Skąd: Germany
Zarejestrowany: 2009-04-09
Posty: 14

Re: Where are you watching our storks from?

I am Su and I come from Germany and I'm watching this nest in the second year.

I'm glad that I registered myself just at the right time in this forum.
It is good for all the foreign cam watchers to have this English-language part here and I hope it will grow up quickly.

Good luck for the forum and especially for the storks.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Su (2009-04-11 20:51:31)



#3 2009-04-13 18:32:50

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

Re: Where are you watching our storks from?

Welcome Su and MCH  I hope you will enjoyed our transmission (www.bociany.ec.pl or http://www.ittv.pl/bociany/aplet/) and this small English part in our forum.
Some more information you can read (and write also ) in the second English part: "Close to Storks" project (http://bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewto … 343#p13343).

Thanks Marina & George for this suggestion, but I don't know if it is possible (I am afraid that not). However, after when you register it is easy to change the language. You can click on your nick and there you can chose which language you prefer (Polish, English, Germany and Czech). After just click on the word "Potwierdź" and basic in all the forum will be change for this lannguage which you chose.

Eva Stets

MCH napisał:

Hello to all,(...)One suggestion: seeing as this is the forum for the non-Polish speakers (in English) it would be good if somebody could set English as the first language initially, then people can chose which language they prefer to see the forum in). It took us about 30 minutes to register and we had to use an on-line translator to find out what it is we had to press ...
Good work everybody!!!



#4 2009-05-18 16:06:28



Skąd: Reading, W.Brytania
Zarejestrowany: 2009-05-18
Posty: 265

Re: Where are you watching our storks from?

Hello! I'm watching the Przygodzice storks from Britain (Reading, 50 km west from London). It was actually an English bird-loving friend in Cambridge - with a special interest in cranes and storks - who first alerted me to your project and to the live transmission from Przygoda & Dziedzic's nest.

Best wishes and fingers crossed for good weather and plenty of food for the youngsters!


Ostatnio edytowany przez AnkazReading (2009-05-23 16:03:05)



#5 2009-05-22 20:01:31



Zarejestrowany: 2008-07-28
Posty: 55

Re: Where are you watching our storks from?

Hello! I'm Sebastian and I'm watching storks from Wrocław and some times from Ostrów Wlkp.



#6 2009-05-24 03:31:40

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

Re: Where are you watching our storks from?


I am from Greece, where I stay for many, many years (the last 4 in North part of Greece - Thrace near very important Bird Area - Delta Evros).
The project "Close to Storks" and words of some my good friend show me, that with Internet the way to Poland and to the polish storks is very short (like the title of project: "Close to Storks").
As most of you know I am a Admin of this forum, so when you will need some help - you can ask me for.

Eva Stets



#7 2010-05-20 12:43:34



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 2007-06-26
Posty: 1901

Re: Where are you watching our storks from?

Welcome Rowens, we are very glad to see you in our forum. Best regards for You and your Wife.

I answered your question in another thread, here.



#8 2010-09-30 15:40:44



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: Where are you watching our storks from?

Good afternoon! I am Brit from Germany and I am very happy, that finally, thanks to Eva, I was able to register here in this forum.

Stork season here started this year so nicely and I was so sorry about the unhappy ending. But next year, hopefully, it will be better!!!

Ostatnio edytowany przez Brit (2010-09-30 15:47:59)


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