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#1 2009-05-07 10:16:06

Eva Stets


Skąd: Hellas
Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-04
Posty: 5027

About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

What you can read about Black Storks in papers and websites



#2 2009-05-08 09:03:03

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Our (with Bertrand Posse from Switzerland, in Swiss magazine) article in French, but with English and German summaries, about color-ringing of Black Storks and migration of birds from Central-Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia) by the eastern route, via Switzerland:

Dolata P.T., Posse B. 2006. Migration et baguage an couleur de cigognes noires Ciconia nigra (Colour rings on migrating Black Storks Ciconia nigra). Nos Oiseaux 53: 85-93.

You can read it from pdf. file:

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata



#3 2009-05-09 07:25:10



Skąd: Germany
Zarejestrowany: 2009-04-09
Posty: 14

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Hello to everyone, hello to Eva and Pawel,

I am glad that there is also this part about black storks now. They differ even more from the white storks than one believes at first and it is nice to have a comparison.

Last year I have observed the BS-Cam in Estonia, but, unfortunately, this year the female has  remained  from, so that there will be there no nesting activities.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Su (2009-05-09 07:28:03)



#4 2009-05-11 12:10:45

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Welcome everybody!

Our (with Czech colleagues) article in Czech Republic magazine and in Czech language, but with English summary, about food of young Black Storks:

Hampl Radek, Beran Václav, Dolata Paweł T. 2007. Nestling diet of the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) in the Czech Republic and Poland. Sylvia 43: 165-172.
Acessible in pdf. file: http://www.pwg.otop.org.pl/eng10.php

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata



#5 2010-04-22 19:28:07

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Hi Everybody!

On Czech website, but with English summary, you can find very interesting article by Dr Frantisek Pojer from “Ochrana prirody” No 4/2009 magazine:

“Do Our Black Storks Nest in Our Country? Black Stork Monitoring in the Czech Republic: the Most Recent Findings“

In the Czech Republic, 2,084 Black Storks (Ciconia nigra) were banded with colour rings in 1994–2008. Some hundreds of recoveries and findings have been obtained, particularly from migration, far less from the breeding season. 28 birds with rings were found on their nests, other six adults were observed in suitable habitats during the breeding season.

The average distance from place of birth to residence sites is 104 km (n=32). One third (34%) of birds nested within 30 km from their places of birth, more than half of them, namely 56 %, settled within 60 km, while sharply three quarters of the birds studied dispersed for nesting within 120 km. The map No. 2 shows sites where storks were ringed and where they nested as well as the direction of their dispersal from places of birth. It is clear that birds move in all directions, with any relation hardly to be found. From five birds which have settled at the longest distance from their places of birth, four moved to west and one to south. Therefore, the effect of sex in Back Storks on the distance of settling from the place of birth is debated. Six males nested maximally some dozens of kilometres from their places of birth, while on the contrary the only female breed at a distance of 245 km. It would suggest, that similarly to some other raptors and also to the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia), Black Stork males display stronger relations to their places of birth and settle more closely to them. The average age in a nesting individual was calculated at 4.8 years at the first reporting of the breeding bird. Some storks nested repeatedly, in up to seven consequent years. When including all such nestings, the average age is, of course, higher, reaching 5.6 years. The youngest bird bred exceptionally as two-year-old, while the oldest was 12 years old. Three and six-year old Black Storks were the most common as breeders (Fig. 4).”

For mentioned figures, very good photos and original text in Czech see: http://www.casopis.ochranaprirody.cz/Vy … cerni.html

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata



#6 2010-10-12 15:16:10

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Black Stork colour-ringing in Poland 2008-2010

White, plastic, 30 mm high rings were used on tibia, together with metal ring of Gdańsk Ringing Scheme (inscription on the metal ring is GDAŃSK POLAND and 6 signs) on the second tibia.

White plastic rings had 4-signs code, in these last 3 seasons with 1A (2008-2010), 1B (2009-2010), 1H (2010), 1K (2008-2009), 1R (2010), 1V (2008) or 1X (2008) on the beginning - the digit “1” on the beginning of the ring number identified such Black Stork as origin from Poland according to the international scheme. The last two signs of the ring code are digits also.

During 2008 season 150 pulli were colour ringed:
- 96 in the Lublin region (team of Paweł Szewczyk);
- 36 in the Wielkopolska region (team of Dr. Tadeusz Mizera from Poznań University of Life Sciences in the northern part of region, and team of Paweł T. Dolata from South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds in the southern part of region);
- 12 in the Łódź region (team of Dr. Piotr Zieliński from University of Łódź);
- 6 in the Świętokrzyskie region, including Świętokrzyski National Park (team of Krzysztof Dudzik).

During 2009 season 52 pulli were colour ringed:
– 32 in the Wielkopolska region (team of Dr. Tadeusz Mizera from Poznań University of Life Sciences in the northern part of region, and team of Paweł T. Dolata from South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds in the southern part of region);
- 15 in in the Łódź region (team of Dr. Piotr Zieliński from University of Łódź);
- 5 in the Świętokrzyskie region, including Świętokrzyski National Park (team of Krzysztof Dudzik).

During 2010 season 49 pulli were colour ringed:
– 11 in the Sobiborskie Forests in Lublin region (team of Tomasz Chodkiewicz from Polish Society for the Protection of Birds and Dr. Marek Keller from Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW),
- 19 in the Wielkopolska region (team of Paweł T. Dolata from the South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds in the southern part of region);
- 10 in the Łódź region (team of Dr. Piotr Zieliński from University of Łódź);
- 6 in the Świętokrzyskie region, including Świętokrzyski National Park (team of Krzysztof Dudzik),
- 3 in Lubuskie region (Paweł Sieracki).

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) http://www.pwg.otop.org.pl
http://www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#7 2010-10-12 16:32:27



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

From the  Estonian forum Looduskalender I would like to post  the link to the Migration map there, where you will get informations (about others) about seven tagged (with a GPS sender) Black Storks  which are breeding in Estonia and now are on their way, or even arrived at their winter habitat. Please go and look yourself, where are they now these seven Black Storks:


October 5 2010

Our Black Stork Valdur arrived to fish ponds in Jordan Valley. There he usually stops for couple of weeks, before further trip to Ethiopia.

Also Black Storks Leida, Pirsu and Priidu have left stop over sites and fly southward.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Brit (2010-10-13 13:11:50)



#8 2010-11-03 16:23:29

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites


Here is a short, but very interesting abstract of the article by František Pojer and Monika Jindrová about Black Stork numbers in the Czech Republic, from just ended VČP ČSO conference:

Pojer F., Jindrová M. 2010. Početnost čápa černého v ČR – odhady a model. [The Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) numbers in the Czech Republic – estimation and modeling]. In: Vránová S. (ed.). Metody a výsledky výzkumu ptačích populací V. Sborník abstraktů z celostátní ornitologické konference k 35. výročí založení Východočeské pobočky České společnosti ornitologické 22.-24.10.2010. VČP ČSO, Pardubice: 39.

Abstract – oral presentations
Based on outputs of national-wide counts, inventories and mappings as well as on analysis of ringing data, the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) numbers in the Czech Republic were estimated at 319 breeding pairs in 1994, 375 in 2004 respectively. The carrying capacity of the landscape in the country was modelled using various parameters: it is suggested that 524 Black Stork breeding pairs can inhabit the whole Czech Republic´s territory.

All papers from the conference, in Czech with English abstracts, you can take from: http://www.vcpcso.cz/archiv/konference/ … e_2010.pdf

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#9 2010-11-08 07:31:23

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites


A review of all projects of Black Stork Ciconia nigra colour ringing in Europe, summarized by Belgian ornithologist Dirk Raes under auspicia of EURING union, you can find on www.cr-birding.be - you must choose Ciconiidae Storks in the second line of first, big table, and then Black Stork of course.

Colour ringing projects of this species are running now in at least such European countries: Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain.

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#10 2010-11-08 12:46:20



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Looduskalender - 06.11.2010

This summer we lost signal from Black Stork Toomas, last locations (not exact ones) we received 14 of August on the border area between Ukraine and Moldova.  In te mid August also Lembit sent a weak signal from southern Belorussia, but additional information showed low battery (therefore no GPS fixes we got). There is not known, if that is due technical reasons or the birds perished.



#11 2010-11-10 13:40:46

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites


Here is an original English abstract from my article about Black Stork ringing in our part od Poland, published in the Czech Republic and in Czech language as a part of proceedings of the same, last month (22-24 October 2010) international conference, organised by the East-Czech Branch of Czech Ornithological Society (VČP ČSO):

Dolata P.T. 2010. Výsledky kroužkování čápů černých Ciconia nigra v jižní části Velkopolska (západní Polsko) v letech 2001-2010. (Results of Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) ringing in south part of Wielkopolska (W Poland) in 2001-2010). In: Vránová S. (ed.). Metody a výsledky výzkumu ptačích populací V. Sborník abstraktů z celostátní ornitologické konference k 35. výročí založení Východočeské pobočky České společnosti ornitologické 22.-24.10.2010. VČP ČSO, Pardubice: 12-13.

"Results of Black Stork Ciconia nigra ringing in south Wielkopolska (W Poland) in years 2010-2010
In 2001-2010 182 Black Stork nestlings were marked by metal rings (20 mm high): till 2007 on tarsus, since 2008 on tibia. Moreover, 170 birds received plastic rings (33 mm high): on the second leg, on tibia always: 7 green in 2001-2002, 163 white ones in 2003-2010. Till 01.09.2010 I received 53 recoveries about 31 birds (plastic rings resightings, except one electrocuted bird from Slovakia), from: Poland (5 about 4 birds), Germany (2), Hungary (3), Switzerland (1), Slovakia (1), and Israel (41 about 13 birds). One female in 7 cy were observed on 26.03.2010 on the nest in northern Hungary, and one bird in 5 cy with a family on 15.08.2009, 420 km SE and 189 km NE from the natal places, respectively.”

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice

Paweł T. Dolata napisał:


Here is a short, but very interesting abstract of the article by František Pojer and Monika Jindrová about Black Stork numbers in the Czech Republic, from just ended VČP ČSO conference:

Pojer F., Jindrová M. 2010. Početnost čápa černého v ČR – odhady a model. [The Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) numbers in the Czech Republic – estimation and modeling]. In: Vránová S. (ed.). Metody a výsledky výzkumu ptačích populací V. Sborník abstraktů z celostátní ornitologické konference k 35. výročí založení Východočeské pobočky České společnosti ornitologické 22.-24.10.2010. VČP ČSO, Pardubice: 39.

Abstract – oral presentations
Based on outputs of national-wide counts, inventories and mappings as well as on analysis of ringing data, the Black Stork ([i]Ciconia nigra
) numbers in the Czech Republic were estimated at 319 breeding pairs in 1994, 375 in 2004 respectively. The carrying capacity of the landscape in the country was modelled using various parameters: it is suggested that 524 Black Stork breeding pairs can inhabit the whole Czech Republic's territory.[/i]

All papers from the conference, in Czech with English abstracts, you can take from: http://www.vcpcso.cz/archiv/konference/ … e_2010.pdf

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#12 2011-07-13 10:08:13



Zarejestrowany: 2010-09-30
Posty: 18

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Gheee, thats unbelievable. The Pine Marten in the Black Storks nest steeling eggs and the Black Stork coming back home ....

Violent struggle between a Black Stork and a Pine Marten



#13 2011-08-26 14:14:08

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Research and ringing of the Black Stork nestlings in Germany 2011

I have a great pleasure to invite You on the very interesting webpage of Carsten Rohde, German specialist in the Black Stork, when he described very good season of this species research and ringing in Germany. Carsten travelled 5500 km across Germany and ringed 187 young Black Storks from 52 nests. Further 21 youngs were ringed by the other German ornithologist. This is yearly record for Germany!

Very nice pictures of adults and youngs are also included:

http://blackstorknotes.blogspot.com/201 … rmany.html

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#14 2011-09-29 21:01:54

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Polish Black Storks on the autumn migration in Germany 2011

As I informed on www.pwg.otop.org.pl in Polish, I have also a pleasure inform here that two Black Storks (one young from 2011, and one born in 2010) ringed by our team (South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds) in Wielkopolska region in Poland (one in Sieroszewice community, neigbouring with Przygodzice community), were found by German ornithologists and their special plastic ring’s numbers were identified by them using telescopes. The storks were on the western migratory route of this species, via western Europe and Gibraltar towards the western and central Africa.

Black Stork ringed by us on 18th June 2011 in Taczanów Forest District, Sieroszewice community, Ostrów Wielkopolski district, was resighted by Axel Schonert, Katja Facius, Nico Stenschke and Jürgen Steudtner 10 times between 7th August and 19th September 2011 in Nature Protecton Area (NSG) "Alte Elbe Bösewig" near Bösewig, Wittenberg district (Landkreis), Saxony-Anhalt land. It was 365 km SW from the ringing place. See Axel Schonert’s photos on http://www.pwg.otop.org.pl/index.php?fu … all&no=469

Black Stork ringed on 7th July 2010 roku in Jarocin Forest District, Miłosław community, Września district, was resighted on 5th September 2011 by Jörg Kasper on Neudorfer Pond near Klitten village, Boxberg/O.L. community, Görlitz district (Landkreis), Saxony land. It was 187 km SW from the ringing place.

best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Bird Life International partner in Poland) www.pwg.otop.org.pl
www.bociany.ec.pl - "Close to Storks" nest camera of White Storks in Przygodzice



#15 2012-04-17 21:07:39

Paweł T. Dolata


Zarejestrowany: 2007-04-06
Posty: 2527

Re: About Black Storks in English: papers and websites

Interesting, scientific-popular article about Black Stork in Poland:

http://www.nauka.gov.pl/scientific-rese … ack-stork/

Click on blue words on the end of article Ornithologist with a black stork chick. Photo: PAP/Tomasz Wojtasik
to see me measuring young Black Stork’s bill during ringing them by the team of PwG OTOP and foresters in South Wielkopolska

Best regards,
Paweł T. Dolata
Południowowielkopolska Grupa Ogólnopolskiego Towarzystwa Ochrony Ptaków
South Wielkopolska Group of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds – BirdLife International partner in Poland www.pwg.otop.org.pl
„Close to Storks“ project from the nest in Przygodzice www.bociany.ec.pl


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