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#21 2012-01-29 21:27:26

 Marcin Tobó³ka


Zarejestrowany: 2008-07-15
Posty: 39

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

Tobó³ka M., Ku¼niak S., ¯o³nierowicz K.M., Jankowiak £., Gabryelczyk M., Pyrc M., Szymañski P., Sieracki P. 2011. Increase of White Stork Ciconia ciconia population in Leszno District in 2010. Chroñmy Przyr. Ojcz. 67(6): 559–567. (in Polish)

download here: http://marcintobolka.tripod.com/publications.html

Marcin Tobó³ka

Zak³ad Zoologii, Instytut Zoologii Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu, http://zoologia.up.poznan.pl/pl/mgr-mar … B3%C5%82ka
Leszczyñska Grupa OTOP, www.otop-leszno.eko.org.pl



#22 2013-04-21 13:39:16



SkÄ…d: Reading, W.Brytania
Zarejestrowany: 2009-05-18
Posty: 265

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

The Incredible Love Story of Two Storks

Here is something to cheer us up as we wait anxiously for a hopefully happy resolution of the situation on the nest in Przygodzice this spring (April 2013): an account of how one female stork's misfortune changed into good fortune thanks to a good man who helped her and gave her a home at his farm in Croatia, and to the faithfulness of her mate.   It is amazing to see that even the healthy wild stork, Klepetan, trusts their human helper enough to let him come so close (we hope he keeps a healthy distance from other humans, though!)
The published story dates from two years ago, but there is no reason to suspect that the good fortune of Malena and Klepetan has changed in any way.

http://www.epidemicfun.com/2011/the-inc … wo-storks/

And Malena and Klepetan's good luck and loyal love continued in 2012 also. Below see some more pictures of this heart-lifting story:

http://www.epidemicfun.com/2012/amazing … continues/



#23 2013-09-09 01:13:31



SkÄ…d: Reading, W.Brytania
Zarejestrowany: 2009-05-18
Posty: 265

Re: About White Storks in English: papers and websites

The tragic end of a migrating stork from Hungary:  The bird, which was carrying a tracking transmitter for mapping his migration route for wildlife conservation purposes, was "arrested for spying as undercover agent" in Egypt, and later found dead - allegedly killed by local inhabitants of an island in the River Nile - just hours after being set free to continue his journey:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … -Nile.html


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