Rozmowy o bocianach z Przygodzic i nie tylko
As our forum expands to include new bird topics that are of interest to our members and guests, we are creating a new theme in the English-language section. It is dedicated to birds other than White Stork and Black Stork, since those, along with the subject of avian migrations, already have their own special themes. The main moderator will be English native speaker AnkazReading. Good luck and interesting talks!
best regards
Pawe³ T. Dolata
Po³udniowowielkopolska Grupa OTOP
Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków – BirdLife International partner in Poland,
The wisdom of nature in an environmental "balancing act": Ancient Turkish oaks aid the survival of British wild birds
British researchers at Edinburgh University discovered how an ancient species of tree, the Turkish oak, reintroduced into the British Isles, helps to counter the effects of climate warming by providing "unseasonal" food for blue tits and great tits.
The Turkish oak (also known as Turkey oak Quercus cerris) was originally native to the area, but died out some 120,000 years ago in the last ice age. Since its reintroduction to Britain and to Ireland 300 years ago there were fears that its arrival may be upsetting the ecological balance between the native flora and fauna, especially as the tree harbours the gall wasp Andricus quercuscalicis whose larvae damage the acorns of native British oaks. In 1998, the Ministry of Defence even ordered the felling of all Turkey Oaks on its UK bases.
However, human intervention without deeper ecological understanding is often shortsighted as it does not allow for the wisdom of nature.
The Turkish oak gall wasps have been found to provide valuable survival food for the British populations of the blue tit and the great tit.
The abnormally mild temperatures in early months of the year encourage the birds to lay eggs earlier than "scheduled", making it difficult to find food for the hatchlings. But ecologists have discovered that blue tits and great tits have been feeding on the Turkish oak gall wasps. This proves of dual benefit: it helps the birds survive and reduces the threat posed by the gall wasps to the other native oaks in Britain. In this way, the tree helps to restore the natural environmental equilibrium.
And bird lovers are glad that this benefits the tits!
Prepared on the basis of : , … 0000003843
Ostatnio edytowany przez AnkazReading (2012-01-13 10:59:07)
URGENT: World Wetlands Day Photo Competition: Submit your pix by 20th January!
It is time to get out your favourite pictures taken at wetland sites that you visited last year - or any year! Less than one week is left for submitting YOUR BEST WETLANDS PHOTOS for an international competition to mark the celebration of World Wetlands Day 2012 on Thursday 2 February.
This year's theme is "Wetland Tourism: A Great Experience".
There are four wetlands and tourism-related categories: Wildlife, Landscapes, Plants, and Tourists (one per category per participant).
The competition is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in partnership with the Ramsar Convention Secretariat and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).
The winning pictures in each category will be showcased on U.S. Department of State, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Ramsar Convention Secretariat and its International Organization Partners’ websites. Also, they will be shown on social media platforms around the world - all on World Wetlands Day, 2 February, 2012.
For more information and instructions about submitting the photos, visit Facebook at and
Or contact:
Maggie Roth, IUCN Media Relations, m +1 202 262 5313, e
An interesting article about the possible reasons why wild urban birds sing louder than their rural counterparts: … 132930.htm
Happy spring news from the Martin Mere Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust reserve in Lancashire, UK! A pair of young adult black swans, which got together as a couple only three months ago, have recently had their first chicks. See the baby cygnets filmed as they learn to find food in the waters of the lake! Also, Greater flamingos are pairing off and building nests in preparation for breeding, and the first avocets have arrived for the summer season. All this to be read and seen here: … nd-centre/
Although more than two weeks have passed since we celebrated Valentine's Day, it is not too late to read a fascinating story of how caring staff at the WWT Arundel Wetland Centre in East Sussex, UK, found a companion for Jerry, a very lonely New Zealand blue duck:
For forum users in Britain who live within easy reach of Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire: I would recommend a walk along the Thames, a mile or so either way of the Henley Bridge, taking in the weir and the long wooden walkway over the water, leading to the lock. This week you can observe here numerous water birds such as mute swans, Canada geese, mallards, coots, and some delightful tufted ducks. With luck it may be possible to spot a cormorant or a great crested grebe. Or, with a lot of luck, to come across one or more of the resident black swans who have been observed here in the past months. Last week, a few miles upriver, to my delight I spotted two pairs of goosander conducting their courtship and possibly searching for suitable nesting sites along a quiet stretch from the water bordered by some woodland.
In addition, the area along the river is visited by many gulls, crows and rooks, collared doves, wood pigeons, and robins - and patrolled by red kites and buzzards. The air is full of urgent bird calls and ringing with tuneful birdsong. Spring is definitely here.
While our forum members rejoice at the news that the first (Easter Sunday! ) egg has been laid in the Przygodzice White Stork nest, there has been another piece of happy news in the bird world:
On 6th April 2012 it was reported that 18 of the world's rarest ducklings, the Madagascan pochard (Aythya innotata), have hatched at a specially built captive breeding centre in Antsohihy, Madagascar.
This brings the world's entire population of this critically endangered duck to just 60!
Their conservation programme has been carried out in collaboration with the British Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT)and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.
The link below shows pictures of the Madagascan pochard hatchlings and carries a short film with the highlights of the programme.
The other two links below describe the history of the conservation programme and the previous hatching of these rarest of birds in November 2009, when there were only twenty of Magagascan pochards surviving in the wild! … 370258.stm
We keep our fingers crossed for these rarest of duck babies!
6th May 2010
While until just recently our favourite "online storks" in Przygodzice were enjoying beautiful, hot and sunny spring weather, British bird populations have suffered significantly as a result of the exceptionally cold and rainy weather in the British Isles throughout April. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) announced yesterday that the unseasonally cold and violent stormy rains, and the resulting flooding, have had a disastrous effect on birdlife in their nature reserves, especially in coastal and wetland areas. Many nests with recently-laid eggs have been washed off into the rising and flooding water levels, resulting in severe destruction of traditional nesting sites for several species. Experts from RSPB reserves describe the effects on birdlife in Britain as "devastating".
More on this in the following link:
11 May 2012
Yesterday, 10 May, the RSPB announced the launch of a project to save the endangered turtle dove from disappearing from the British Isles. See the link … -the-brink
Please, sign the petition and help the songbirds: Ask Cyprus to End Songbird Slaughter!
On the petition website … m=20414814 you can help to stop songbird slaughter in Cyprus.
The target od this petition is Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Republic of Cyprus
Hundreds of thousands of little birds are killed as they migrate through Cyprus every year. They are destined to become a very expensive restaurant delicacy.
Trappers use completely unselective methods, including mist nets, which trap every flying animal that goes past. Although blackcaps are the main target, over 150 different bird species are caught, of which about 80 are endangered. Species trapped include robins, shrikes and the colourful little bee eaters pictured on … =20414814.
Songbirds already face a multitude of problems, ranging from habitat destruction to their populations being ravaged by domestic and feral cats. The last thing they need is wholesale slaughter to become a luxury dish.
The slaughter is also illegal, but the authorities appear to turn a blind eye. Ask the Cyprus government to get serious about looking after the environment and enforcing their own laws.
Many of these birds are on the migration from Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland!
Please, sign the petition: … m=20414814
Best regards,
Pawe³ T. Dolata
Po³udniowowielkopolska Grupa Ogólnopolskiego Towarzystwa Ochrony Ptaków
South Wielkopolska Group of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds – BirdLife International partner in Poland
„Close to Storks“ project from the nest in Przygodzice
From Conservation India by Shashank Dalvi and Ramki Sreenivasan
Shocking Amur Falcon Massacre in Nagaland
"This is a documentation of the shocking massacre of tens of thousands of migratory Amur falcons (Falco amurensis) in the remote state of Nagaland in India’s northeast. We estimate that during the peak migration 12,000 – 14,000 birds are being hunted for consumption and commercial sale everyday..."
TAKE ACTION and share it... More about you can read here: … r-massacre
Exciting news from Britain: for the first time in more than 400 years, wild cranes are beginning to nest in south-west England!
April 2013 - A pair of young adult common cranes (Grus grus) have arrived and begun building a nest and displaying courting behaviour, hopefully in preparation for breeding, at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust's Slimbridge reserve in Gloucestershire.
This marks a successful step forward in The Great Crane Project ( ), a program of re-introduction of the wild crane to the British
Isles, run jointly by the WWT Slimbridge, the RSPB and a couple of other organisations involved in bird conservation.
For more details and films, see here: … limbridge/ … limbridge/
British Isles (Scotland): First osprey egg of the 2013 breeding season has been observed in a nest in a secret location in the Scottish Borders.
More information here:
British birdlife news
Victory for Wild Bird Conservation - Peregrine Falcon 1 : 0 Southampton Vodafone users!
A peregrine falcon nesting by a faulty transmitter has prevented mobile phone reception from being restored to parts of Southampton, southern England. The female bird on her nest was discovered by Vodafone engineers when they tried to repair the faulty mast on 9 April.
Peregrine falcons are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. The exact location of the nest cannot be revealed.
A Vodafone spokesman said the company was being "very careful" in dealing with the protected species. The company representative explained that Vodafone could not legally access the mast until any hatched chicks had fledged, possibly some time in June.
"We're already looking at alternative contingency plans and we'll inform our customers as soon as we can. While this is inconvenient for our customers, it is great news that the falcons are nesting in the city."
Commenting on the situation, Michelle Hawkins of Natural England has said: "If anybody disturbs [the falcons] during their breeding season, therefore threatening to stop their natural breeding, it is an offence which could lead to a prison sentence."
Based on: ( link contains more information on peregrine falcon status in Britain)
Britain: RSPB Protests Fracking, Asks for Protection of Important Wild Bird Site
The conservation charity Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has contacted the Lancashire County Council with a formal objection to the proposals by the gas prospecting company Cuadrilla, for shale gas exploration and extraction at a site at Singleton, near Blackpool.
It voiced its concerns over the safety of wildlife in Morecambe Bay, a special protection area designated under EU legislation because of its international importance as a habitat for a range of breeding and overwintering bird species, including the pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus and the whooping swan Cygnus cygnus. The area is home to thousands of geese and swans who will arrive from as far away as Siberia to roost and feed next month and stay for the winter.
The RSPB is urging Lancashire County Council to ensure Cuadrilla carries out a full environmental impact assessment before it goes ahead with any work at Singleton.
The controversial fracking (hydraulic fracturing) operations would be used to explore for shale gas and then carry out its extraction. The technologies employed involve pumping water and chemicals into the ground at high pressure to fracture shale rock and release gas. There are fears that this could harm water resources and cause small earthquakes, and that development of the sites will cause noise and traffic. This creates a very serious concern that all these environmental consequences will disturb the birds that nest and overwinter at the site. This may carry considerable implications for overall survival of their populations in Britain. Other species may, of course, also be threatened, as the proposed work could destroy important wildlife habitats.
Cuadrilla is already facing public protests over drilling for oil in Balcombe, West Sussex. No environmental impact assessment has been carried out there either, and conservationists are voicing their concerns alongside local population groups engaged in a vigorous anti-fracking campaign.
For more information, see: … fears.html
Attention: For forum members with access to BBC's online iPlayer facility
The BBC One programme Countryfile, broadcast yesterday at 7 pm, contained an item about Britain's largest and best known colony of swifts (Apus apus), resident at Oxford University's Natural History Museum. The swifts have nested at the tower since at least before the Second World War and are monitored under the Oxford Swift Research Project, which has been running continuously since 1947. This places it among the longest and most comprehensive known studies of a nesting species of bird in existence.
Countryside presenter Julia Bradbury climbs up to the attic space of the massive museum tower to visit the birds and talk to their chief keeper and researcher. The swifts occupy several tiers of nesting boxes which have glass sides and cameras installed for easy observation for research purposes. Access to the nests from the outside is via the tower's ventilation shafts set into its tall and steeply sloping roof. Viewers are also shown young swift fledglings being measured and ringed. We learn that swifts need specially designed miniature rings, as their legs are so short that all standard rings for birds of their size would be far too large and cumbersome. Apparently the only other species requiring this special ring size is the kingfisher.
The programme is available to watch online until 7:59 on Sunday 24th August. Below is the link (the item about swifts starts 22minutes into the programme):
For more information about the project: … roject.htm
Dear stork and all birds friends!!
I just signed the petition "Stop the massive bird slaughter in Egypt!" on
It's very important. Please, sign it too! Here's the link: … e_petition
Pawe³ Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds – BirdLife International partner in Poland
„Close to Storks“ project from the nest in Przygodzice
Summer Without the Cuckoo? Sunrise in the Woods Without the Dawn Chorus?
Birdsong in Britain's Woods, Fields and Meadows Could Soon Be Silenced As Habitats Disappear
British studies show that native wild birds are disappearing at an alarming rate because of continuing destruction of their habitats. Many species, previously common, such as wood warbler, cuckoo, willow tit and turtle dove - among others - are already virtually absent from parts of the British Islands. Scientists warn: Environmental protection and restoration has become a matter of urgent, critical importance as bird populations plummet drastically.
This problem now threatens many, if not most, bird populations on a worldwide scale, and the alarm voiced by scientists needs to be heard around the globe. … itats.html
No Fighting Over Dinner: Barn owl chicks know their siblings' voices and negotiate 'pecking order' within brood
According to Swiss researchers, barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings have clearly recognizable individual calls within broods.
Instead of competing aggressively for food, young barn owl siblings, called owlets, are known to negotiate with one another. They call out to communicate each bird's needs and identity in the nest. While their parents search for food the owlets advertise their hunger to their brothers and sisters, then establish feeding hierarchy among themselves.
The findings were announced in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology by Dr Amelie Dreiss and colleagues at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Barn owls are considered one of the most widespread species of bird and are found on every continent except Antarctica.
Whole story here: